Plumbing and Furnace Repair in Anacortes, WA

Plumbing and Heating Service in Anacortes

It’s pretty easy to take a home’s plumbing system for granted. In most cases, Anacortes, WA homeowners don’t have a lot of plumbing problems, but when a problem does occur, it’s important to touch bases with an expert to better understand what you’re facing. With advice from the pros, it’s easier to determine how to proceed. Here are a few things to consider when plumbing issues arise.

Pipes Don’t Last Forever

The types of plumbing lines used in homes have changed over the years, but all plumbing systems have one thing in common: they have a finite lifespan. Obviously, some materials will last longer than others, but no material used for plumbing will last indefinitely.

For years, galvanized pipes were used for water supply lines. However, those pipes deteriorated from the inside, leaving homeowners with major issues before they knew a problem was developing. If your home still has galvanized supply lines, ask a professional plumber to inspect the system.

Later, copper became popular, and it’s still a good option, but even copper lines experience deterioration over time. If your home’s copper plumbing is over twenty years old or if you’ve experienced leaks in the past, consider having a plumber check the system to determine if problems are developing.

Plastics are common, with different types of plastic now commonly seen in both supply and drain lines. One material used in the past was polybutylene. That material proved to be problematic and was recalled several years ago. However, there are still homes that have this material.

Other plastics have been used with varying degrees of success. Some tend to become brittle over time, which can lead to cracks and, of course, leaks. PEX is a newer type of plastic that’s gained in popularity. Ask our team of experts if your home’s plumbing lines should be inspected, especially if those pipes are older.

Sewer Lines Need Respect

Plumbing experts all agree that Sewers & Drains don’t get the respect they deserve. People tend to put things down their drains that shouldn’t be there. That leads to clogs that can be difficult to clear. Grease and a variety of paper products tend to find their way into home sewer lines, and those materials create major headaches for property owners.

Another issue commonly seen is home sewer lines leading to septic systems or municipal sewer lines being crushed by vehicles. Delivery and service trucks are often driven over yards to make it easier to load and unload items. That’s okay if there are no water, sewer, or utility lines buried in the area. If damage to underground lines occurs, the repairs can be costly. Never drive over areas where many types of utilities are buried. It’s just not worth the risk.

Servicing or Repairing Appliances

Today’s homes use several appliances that require water. Most of them are at the end of a line, which means it’s relatively easy to shut off the water supply to the appliance without disrupting the remainder of the home. Water Heaters are different. They cannot be serviced or replaced without creating a major inconvenience for the home’s occupants.

That’s why routine water heater maintenance shouldn’t be ignored. Water contains minerals that tend to separate out and cling to the interior of a water heater. If a system is never flushed and cleaned, damage to the water heater will occur and shorten the appliance’s life. We always recommend maintaining water heaters on a regular schedule.

If your water heater does fail, take the time to ask questions and review the different replacement options now available. Our team works with property owners to determine which type and size of water heater will best meet a specific home’s needs.

Comfort Appliances Need Regular Servicing to Avoid Problems

Heating & Air conditioning systems are used throughout the year. While our weather isn’t severe, no one wants to live through cold or hot days without a fully functioning HVAC system. As a rule, we suggest all cooling and heating appliances are serviced at least once per year.

Some property owners don’t feel they need to schedule routine service, as their appliances are newer. To an extent, that’s true. We don’t see any major issues developing with newer comfort appliances, but they still need cleaning and adjustments to ensure they function efficiently.

Some family members may suffer from respiratory conditions, and that’s another reason to schedule routine services. When systems are dirty, respiratory issues tend to become worse as dust is circulated through the home. Simply changing filters will help to some degree, but there are other precautions to take when one or more family members have respiratory problems.

AC Repair is commonly needed during the summer. However, the majority of emergency repair situations could have been avoided by having the system inspected and serviced before the hot weather arrived. While Anacortes doesn’t experience a lot of hot days, our humidity tends to make any hot weather difficult to bear. If your AC system hasn’t been maintained recently, now is a good time to contact the LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating team to schedule an appointment.

Inspections Always Make Sense

We recommend homeowners schedule routine inspections of their plumbing, heating, and cooling systems. Not every home has the same needs, so we’ll always discuss your home’s systems, their age, and prior problems when recommending a maintenance or inspection schedule.

Inspection services are not expensive, and we’re dedicated to working with our clients to make sure all plumbing systems and comfort appliances perform properly. In most instances, maintenance or minor repairs will be all your home’s systems need. However, if major issues are identified, we’ll take the time to explain what the issues are and how they can be addressed.

Many Anacortes property owners are also seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprints and keep their energy bills low. We’ll gladly work with property owners to determine where energy savings can be made. Again, many solutions will be simple and cost little. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today.

Recent Jobs and Reviews in Anacortes, WA

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 customer reviews

Job Locations

LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
I replaced a leaking hose bibb at a customer's home. I turned off the water supply, unscrewed the old hose bibb, and installed a new one, making sure it was properly connected and sealed. I tested the new hose bibb for proper water flow and functionality.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - 
I replaced a leaking hose bibb at a customer's home. I turned off the water supply, unscrewed the old hose bibb, and installed a new one, making sure it was properly connected and sealed. I tested the new hose bibb for proper water flow and functionality.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
The customer called us because they believed a subcontractor had put something down the toilet and it was clogged. We used our super 88 drain cleaning to clear the blockage. We were able to clear the blockage with the toilet auger and flushed multiple times with no sign of backup.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - The customer called us because they believed a subcontractor had put something down the toilet and it was clogged. We used our super 88 drain cleaning to clear the blockage. We were able to clear the blockage with the toilet auger and flushed multiple times with no sign of backup.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
I was called to a customer's house because the toilet was clogged. I used a toilet auger to clear the blockage. After clearing the blockage, I flushed the toilet multiple times and there were no issues.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - I was called to a customer's house because the toilet was clogged. I used a toilet auger to clear the blockage. After clearing the blockage, I flushed the toilet multiple times and there were no issues.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
I recently completed a job where I cleared multiple stubborn bathroom drains and completed a toilet repair. I am a trusted plumber in the community. I can provide long-term permanent repairs made by professionals.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - I recently completed a job where I cleared multiple stubborn bathroom drains and completed a toilet repair. I am a trusted plumber in the community. I can provide long-term permanent repairs made by professionals.
Anacortes, WA - I recently completed a job where I cleared multiple stubborn bathroom drains and completed a toilet repair. I am a trusted plumber in the community. I can provide long-term permanent repairs made by professionals.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
I recently completed a Navien on-demand and boiler system maintenance job at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Richard, from LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating, did an amazing job!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - I recently completed a Navien on-demand and boiler system maintenance job at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Richard, from LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating, did an amazing job!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Yearly maintenance on demand system, boiler, and furnace. Your one stop service needs. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Yearly maintenance on demand system, boiler, and furnace. Your one stop service needs. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Clearing a clogged bathtub and toilet. Your super hero plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Clearing a clogged bathtub and toilet. Your super hero plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Water line leak repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Water line leak repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Water line leak repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Leaking hose bibb repair. Your neighborhood favorite plumber at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Leaking hose bibb repair. Your neighborhood favorite plumber at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Leaking hose bibb repair. Your neighborhood favorite plumber at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Main water service replacement. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Main water service replacement. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
When a DIY goes sideways. We are here to help. This customer did not give themselves enough space for the steamer. Creatively and problem solving is what we do best!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - When a DIY goes sideways.  We are here to help. This customer did not give themselves enough space for the steamer.  Creatively and problem solving is what we do best!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Water heater and tub spout repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. The best neighborhood plumbers!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Water heater and tub spout repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. The best neighborhood plumbers!
Anacortes, WA - Water heater and tub spout repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. The best neighborhood plumbers!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Burst copper water line repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Propress tools and the best local plumbers!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Burst copper water line repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Propress tools and the best local plumbers!
Anacortes, WA - Burst copper water line repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Propress tools and the best local plumbers!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Well pump system repair! We love rescuing our customers. Restoring water and leaving with a very happy customer! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Well pump system repair! We love rescuing our customers. Restoring water and leaving with a very happy customer! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Navien on demand tankless repair. Not producing hot water. Full flush and yearly maintenance. For all your on demand needs, call LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Your local plumber.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Navien on demand tankless repair. Not producing hot water. Full flush and yearly maintenance. For all your on demand needs, call LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. Your local plumber.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Discovering a broken hose bib when you're eager to tend to your plants? Don't fret! Reach out to LaVergne Plumbing & Heating for swift, expert assistance. Call us today to get your gardening back on track!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Discovering a broken hose bib when you're eager to tend to your plants? Don't fret! Reach out to LaVergne Plumbing & Heating for swift, expert assistance. Call us today to get your gardening back on track!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Leaking gas water heater repair. Replacing the bad tanks and upgrading the other. When you need options and fast professional service. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Leaking gas water heater repair. Replacing the bad tanks and upgrading the other. When you need options and fast professional service. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Main water service line replacement. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. We can fix all your leaks!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Main water service line replacement. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating. We can fix all your leaks!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Clearing clogged toilets. When you need a local super hero plumber, call us! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Clearing clogged toilets. When you need a local super hero plumber, call us! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Rooter service clogged kitchen drain. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Rooter service clogged kitchen drain. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Super hero plumber to the rescue. Clearing a stubborn kitchen drain clog. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Super hero plumber to the rescue. Clearing a stubborn kitchen drain clog. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Super hero plumber to the rescue. Clearing a stubborn kitchen drain clog. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Leaking gas water heater replacement. Replacing the old tank with a new Bradford white 40 gal gas water heater. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Leaking gas water heater replacement. Replacing the old tank with a new Bradford white 40 gal gas water heater.  LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Shower valve and cartridge repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Shower valve and cartridge repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Shower valve and cartridge repair. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
When your culinary adventures come to a halt due to a clogged kitchen sink, you rely on the nearby plumber for prompt and reliable assistance.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - When your culinary adventures come to a halt due to a clogged kitchen sink, you rely on the nearby plumber for prompt and reliable assistance.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
When your cooking hits a snag due to a clogged kitchen sink, you reach out to the nearby plumber for efficient and fast service at LaVergne Plumbing & heating!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - When your cooking hits a snag due to a clogged kitchen sink, you reach out to the nearby plumber for efficient and fast service at LaVergne Plumbing & heating!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
If you have a clogged kitchen drain and need a HERO, call the plumber near you at LaVergne Plumbing & heating!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - If you have a clogged kitchen drain and need a HERO, call the plumber near you at LaVergne Plumbing & heating!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
When your hot water tank is leaking you should not panic, you should call us at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating, the plumber that takes care of your plumbing emergencies.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - When your hot water tank is leaking you should not panic, you should call us at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating, the plumber that takes care of your plumbing emergencies.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Sewer backing up due to a clogged grease trap. We are your full service plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating ready to help you!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - 
Sewer backing up due to a clogged grease trap.  We are your full service plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating ready to help you!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Toilet replacement. This customer is taking advantage of our special buy one toilet replacement get the second half off! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Toilet replacement. This customer is taking advantage of our special buy one toilet replacement get the second half off! LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Sink leak repair brought to you by the best local plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Sink leak repair brought to you by the best local plumbers at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Installing a full house leak defense system. When you don't want to work about the costly damage of a burst pipe, we can get you covered! Full system detection with automatic shut off. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Installing a full house leak defense system. When you don't want to work about the costly damage of a burst pipe, we can get you covered! Full system detection with automatic shut off. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Kholer bathroom faucet repair.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Kholer bathroom faucet repair.
Anacortes, WA - Kholer bathroom faucet repair.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Gas water heater replacement. When your existing water heater is leaking or not producing enough hot water, call your local trusted experts at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Gas water heater replacement. When your existing water heater is leaking or not producing enough hot water, call your local trusted experts at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Additional drainage repair for under the house. When you have excess water and a sump pump is not quiet enough, call your local experts at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating for all your excess water and drainage needs.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Additional drainage repair for under the house.  When you have excess water and a sump pump is not quiet enough, call your local experts at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating for all your excess water and drainage needs.
Maria G.
Maria G.
Receive a complimentary one-year tune-up for your water heater from LaVergne Plumbing and Heating. We provide thorough testing of water pressure and quality to ensure optimal performance. Count on us to keep your home running smoothly even after our services.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Receive a complimentary one-year tune-up for your water heater from LaVergne Plumbing and Heating. We provide thorough testing of water pressure and quality to ensure optimal performance. Count on us to keep your home running smoothly even after our services.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Main sewer line cleared with the best tools in the county! Spartan auger and our amazing plumber. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Main sewer line cleared with the best tools in the county! Spartan auger and our amazing plumber. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
Anacortes, WA - Main sewer line cleared with the best tools in the county! Spartan auger and our amazing plumber. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Undermount sink repair. Sometimes with wear and tear sinks can fall down but we are here to help! When you need a local plumber, call LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Undermount sink repair. Sometimes with wear and tear sinks can fall down but we are here to help! When you need a local plumber, call LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Undermount sink repair. Sometimes with wear and tear sinks can fall down but we are here to help! When you need a local plumber, call LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Leaking outdoor faucet replacement at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Leaking outdoor faucet replacement at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Maria G.
Maria G.
The rupture of a clean cap led to a yard inundated with sewage. Employing a Spartan Tool camera aided in pinpointing the issue, followed by a thorough main line snake operation. Swift clean-out and a timely resolution left the customer satisfied. Lavergne Plumbing and Heating, your trusted plumbing experts and superheroes, saving the day yet again.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - The rupture of a clean cap led to a yard inundated with sewage. Employing a Spartan Tool camera aided in pinpointing the issue, followed by a thorough main line snake operation. Swift clean-out and a timely resolution left the customer satisfied. Lavergne Plumbing and Heating, your trusted plumbing experts and superheroes, saving the day yet again.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Yearly maintenance on a furnace and electric water heater repair. Is your water heater not producing hot water like it did when it was first installed? Are you noticing you are running out of hot water faster? We can help! Full plumbing services offered at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Yearly maintenance on a furnace and electric water heater repair.  Is your water heater not producing hot water like it did when it was first installed? Are you noticing you are running out of hot water faster?  We can help! Full plumbing services offered at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Yearly maintenance on a furnace and electric water heater repair.  Is your water heater not producing hot water like it did when it was first installed? Are you noticing you are running out of hot water faster?  We can help! Full plumbing services offered at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Let us crawl under your house and do the dirty work! Leave the spiders to us. Leak detection and repairs done professionally with a smile at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Let us crawl under your house and do the dirty work! Leave the spiders to us. Leak detection and repairs done professionally with a smile at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
We can help with small projects! Disconnecting a gas water heater so floor installation can be completed. Insurance job in progress. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - We can help with small projects! Disconnecting a gas water heater so floor installation can be completed. Insurance job in progress. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - We can help with small projects! Disconnecting a gas water heater so floor installation can be completed. Insurance job in progress. LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Composting toilet clogged line repairs. We can work on all types of systems. When you need an out of the box plumber who is ready to problem solve, call us! Your local neighborhood plumber at LaVergne's!
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Composting toilet clogged line repairs.  We can work on all types of systems. When you need an out of the box plumber who is ready to problem solve, call us! Your local neighborhood plumber at LaVergne's!
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Leak appearing in the ceiling. Toilet drain was leaking and causing a mess. New drain installed with flange repair and a pull and reset the toilet with sheetrock repair. We can do it all at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Leak appearing in the ceiling. Toilet drain was leaking and causing a mess. New drain installed with flange repair and a pull and reset the toilet with sheetrock repair. We can do it all at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA - Leak appearing in the ceiling. Toilet drain was leaking and causing a mess. New drain installed with flange repair and a pull and reset the toilet with sheetrock repair. We can do it all at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
LaVergne Plumbing .
LaVergne Plumbing .
Oil furnace repair. Yes, we can work on your dinosaur system. If you have an out of date or old system and need maintenance or repairs call your local expert plumber at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.
Anacortes, WA 98221
Anacortes, WA - Oil furnace repair. Yes, we can work on your dinosaur system.  If you have an out of date or old system and need maintenance or repairs call your local expert plumber at LaVergne's Plumbing and Heating.